Thursday, August 19, 2010

Preseason NFL Power Rankings - Part 5


Finally, here where are. This is the elite group. These are the teams that I think have it all together and have what it takes to make and win the Super Bowl. Consequently they are my picks for the Championship game matchups and the Super Bowl. Is that really surprising? That’s how it should be, no? I tried not to let my Peyton Manning man-crush push me too much, but he is aging like a fine wine and only gets better as the years go on, so I think it’s deserving.

My top elite teams in the league after the jump:

4. Indianapolis Colts - You really can't bet against a Peyton Manning team. It is the common equivalent to England (the country) in it's hayday. You know eventually it will have to step down take a back seat, but right now, at the height of it's power, it is unstoppable. Has there ever been a player on such a team oriented sport that is worth half his teams victories just on his own? Why does Jim Caldwell look like a frightened turtle in the middle of the highway? Cause no doubt Manning talked to him and just said "stay out of my way." Manning is a better player than Caldwell ever dreamed and better coach already than Caldwell will ever be, and he's doing both at the same time on the field. Can I sign Manning to a contract, right now, to coach my team when he retires...He is the closest thing the NFL will ever have to a Michael Jordan. Joe Montana, Brett Favre, et al at their peaks still weren’t as integral to their teams as Manning. As long as he breathes (and plays) the Colts are a contender.

3. Baltimore Ravens - What's not to like about this team? A solid QB, RB and now they have a top flight wide receiver (Anquan Boldin) to go with their consistently hard-nosed defense. Even without Ed Reed (who might miss some of this season and is still recovering from injury) this team is still formidable. What Reed takes away from their defense without his presence is made up for with their now dynamic offense. Their defense should be good enough to be top 10 once again and their offense should be good enough to outscore people if need be. Also, you can’t count out a team that has Ray Lewis helming the defense. Even at his age he is still a freak and as good of a leader as anybody on defense.

2. Green Bay Packers - I am in love with this team. Aaron Rodgers is a cold-blooded assassin who will pick apart the league yet again. I would take Rodgers right now over Brett Favre any day of the week, even after last season. Rodgers is Darth Vader to Favre’s Obi-Wan: "the circle is now complete." Eat it Wrangler boy. Not to mention Dom Capers is returning to helm a top 5 defense that will only get better with another year under the 3-4. Seriously, Rodgers is a stud, I haven’t been this geeked about the skills a QB has since Peyton Manning (make no mistake though, nobody will ever replace Manning in the eyes of The Jeff Report).

1. Dallas Cowboys - It pains me to do this but I really do think the Cowboys just may be the best team in the league going into this year. After dispatching their December curse last year and winning a playoff game they have a different feel to them. Their offense clicks and now with Miles Austin owning his role from training camp on, that won’t have to establish that chemistry mid-season (and not at the Chiefs expense). They have an elite pass rusher to go with a solid secondary and good D-line. The only question mark is safety at this point and I think it’s something they can figure out before the season starts. Not to mention Tony Romo can now concentrate on football instead of Carrie Underwood keying his car and the smell of napalm in the morning...

And...there it is.  There are all my top 32 NFL teams from 32-1.  Hopefully when it's all said and done I won't be too far off.  We will see.  Feel free to tell me how good or bad I was with all of my picks...

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