Thursday, September 9, 2010

College Football - Should Reggie Bush be Stripped of his Heisman?

Reggie Bush May be Stripped of His Heisman Due to Inappropriate Dealings While at USC

Apparently Reggie Bush took rough $400,000 while at USC including cars, cash, gifts, and a house for his family.  As this was determined USC was stripped of all the victories they obtained where Reggie Bush played while he was ineligible. 

USC's athletic director ordered that their copy of his Heisman trophy get sent back and all likenesses of him removed, completely distancing themselves from Bush as a player.

Now, the Heisman trust is contemplating completely taking away Reggie Bush's Heisman and striking his name from the record books.  I am gonna go ahead and say this is completely stupid.  Reggie Bush won the 2005 Heisman, done and done.

The idea of the NCAA taking away victories from USC is fine with me, Bush was ineligible and there is a good chance that USC doesn't win some of those games (hello Fresno State) without Bush.  That I get.  But his impact on the team has nothing to do with how good he was on the field.  Bush was a straight up stud on the field whether eligible or not.  This was evidenced by the fact that he won the Heisman by a landslide.  Now are you gonna take it away from him?  Then what are you gonna do, give it to Vince Young?  I'm sure Young really wants that Heisman now, "thanks for this uneventful trophy you gave me five years after the fact, I really feel like I deserve this."  Get real.

Even if you strip it all from Bush, it won't change anything.  Bush won the Heisman, I'm not gonna forget about that and nobody else will either.  People will always remember he was won it and how good he was.  He didn't take PEDs, he didn't shave points or throw the game, he didn't do any of the real legit no-no's just took a little money.  Something that I am guess many other Heisman winners in the past have done as well.

I believe Michigan basketball got their National Championship vacated, and UMASS and Memphis got their Final Fours vacated as well.  Does it change anything?  No.  Nobody had to give back their championship gear and everyone still has their memories.  So do what you will Heisman trust, feel better about yourselves pretending like corruption isn't rampant in college athletics and take Bush's Heisman away.  Congrats, you've officially changed and done nothing.  Good work.

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