-Leading the way at the moment will be my current love for the Wildcat. Now, I have always been a fan of the triple option and if I was a coach it would definitely take a lot for me not to Wing-T it. I think they would call me Wing-T-bone (but it would probably be Koko...). This past Monday watching the Dolphins play just extended my love for the Wildcat/Triple Option even more. The Dolphins ran it so efficiently it was amazing, and funner than hell to watch. However, I remember when Arkansas revolutionized this style with this formation a couple of years ago, and they would call it the Wild-"hog," you know, cause they are the razorbacks (I geet et, es funny cos--ahh nevermind). So naturally, I feel every team that runs it (cause they all pretty much do) they should personalize it a bit...like so:
-Miami Dolphins = Wild-"Phin"
-Texas Longhorns = Wild-"Horn"
-Kansas City Chiefs = Wild-"Chief", Wild-"Arrow", or my favorite Wild-"Badasses"
-Denver Broncos = Wild-"Horse", or my vote Wild-"Flaming Turds"
-San Diego Chargers = Wild-"Bolt"
-Kansas Jayhawk = Wild-"Hawk"
-Kansas State Wildcats = Wild...cat (it's Kansas State)
-Pittsburgh Steelers = Wild-"Beam"
-Baltimore Ravens = Wild-"Bird," Wild-"Crow"
-Tampa Bay Buccaneers = Wild-"Buc"
-Miami Hurricans = Wild-"Swag," Wild-"Cane"
-Indianapolis Colts = Wild-"Co-wait, would you ever take Peyton Manning out of the game? Me either.
-Alabama Crimson Tide = Wild-"Tide"
-Minnesota Vikings = Wild-"Brett Favre is a douchebag"
-The Chiefs. See my ongoing "State of the Franchise" posts to get my feelings on that. Moving on.
-As with every year, there are many mediocre teams in the NFL, a fair amount of bad ones, and some elite ones. I will not go through all of them, but I will start by talking about the really bad ones. The worst team in the league...the St. Louis Rams. As much joy as I got writing that sentence, it is tempered by the fact that the Chiefs are not that far behind. The Rams are like the guy who played Cameron Diaz's mentally challenged brother in "There's Something About Mary" trying to do Shakespeare "Where fore art my baythball"...it just doesn't work.
Next, I would put the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. What goes around comes around. Just over 30 years removed from their historical ineptitude and here they are again, at the bottom of the league. They had a great run and even won a Super Bowl, but those days are over. At least they have Kellen Winslow II. That man is a
Now I know the Oakland Raiders actually beat us, but I still think they are worse. The Chiefs should have won that game. The Raiders are run by a puppet an abusive coach and I hear they have already sent in their draft pick for 2010...Ussain Bolt. Sidenote: if you re-did the 2006 draft is there anybody on this planet you wouldn't take over Jamarcus Russel as the first pick? Is Maurice Clarrett out of jail yet? Does Tony Mandarich wanna make a comeback? Can we just re-draft Daunte Culpepper? Honestly, bang up job Raiders. Your fan base calls itself the "black hole" and that accurately describes your franchise, players go there never to be seen again until you get fleeced of them for a low round draft pick (see: Randy Moss).
Then it would be the Chiefs. See above.
There are a whole slew of below average, to average, to mediocre, to above average teams in the league before we get to the elite group.
The Elite group starts with the Minnesota Vikings. They have had the defense for a couple years now, with one of the best pass rushers in the league (where did that guy come from?) and the best running back in the league. Now, as much as it pains me to say, they have the quarterback to get it done. However, since Brett Favre is such a total Douche I have decided to have an entire phot gallery devoted to him right here:
Moving on.
The next elite team would be the New Orleans Saints. Here is a team that has been on the cusp for the last three years or so. They have one of the top three quarterbacks in the game in Drew Brees (see: stone cold killer), a tease of an electric playmaker, Reggie Bush, and a good receiver corps. The only thing that had been missing was the defense. That is, until this year. With a few additions the Saints have found themselves a solid defense and they have a good coach with a fearless attitude. Sean Payton constantly attacks the other team and keeps them on their toes. The-Jeff-Report is curious if maybe this is the reason they are so good, perhaps, an extremely disciplined team that can handle this onslaught plays them then maybe the Saints are vulnerable. Then again isn't every team vulnerable against a team that is disciplined and game plans well (see: Bill Belicheck and 3 super bowls in the last 8 years).
Next up would be the New York Giants. The Giants have been the scariest team in the league since they won the Super Bowl in 2007. It's as though the Super Bowl was Freaky Friday (2003 version) and the Giants and Pats switched places after the Pats undefeated season was ruined. I submit the Giants were Lindsay Lohan and the Pats were Jamie Lee-Curtis. At this time LiLo's career was just heating up and she was still a star with her ilicit drug habits still in the future. Jamie Lee-Curtis is, well..Jamie Lee-Curtis. Still relevant, but just slightly past her prime. The Giants are going strong and becoming consistently the best team in the league and the scariest one to play, while the Pats are still good, just not quite as much of a force. Lets hope the Giants handle this better than Lohan did.
[Interesting sidenote: In both version of "Freaky Friday," 1976 and 2003, the daughter was played by an up-and-coming actress, Jodie Foster and Lindsay Lohan, respectively. Both wound up becoming lesbians. What implications will this have on the Giants? Curious. We shall name an award after this phenomenon the Freaky Friday award, for the event that everybody knew was coming except for the entity themselves, until they finally admitted it.]
That brings us to my vote for best team in the league at the 5/16 mark: the Indianapolis Colts. This team just doesn't quit. They have won ten or more games 9 out of the last 10 years and the last 7 years in a row, and this includes the 2006 Super Bowl. This is the consummate example of how to correctly run a franchise. They draft well, stock talent well, don't overpay (that's right, Peyton Manning is not overpaid) and don't hold onto players too long just cause they were good for them once. Hey Edge, you lost a step? Here's a ticket to Arizona. Yo Marvin, I know you are our all time leading receiver but you can't stay healthy and you're old and slow...peace.
Now that we have fleshed out who I think the best and worst teams in the league are, here are my picks for some wildcard teams that cold have anywhere from 9-12 wins and could be primed to really make some noise in the playoffs.
-My number one wildcard team is the Green Bay Packers. If Peyton Manning is a stone cold assassin then Aaron Rodgers is stone cold assassin jr. Watching him play just gives me the chills. The dude is as cool as they come, he is accurate, he has a rocket for an arm, and he just scares me as a football player. With the exception of Peyton, I don't know who else I would rather have at QB than Rodgers. I will go on record saying the Pack made a good decision to dump Favre for this guy. Well done. I wish the Chiefs had the fortitude to draft somebody like this...oh well...Matt Cassel will do...I suppose.
The Packers not only have a good quarterback, they have a solid O-line, good running game, excellent receivers, and now a good defense to boot with one of the premiere pass rusher in the game (Aaron Kampman). They play aggressive D with two good corners who love to play press man and play it well (Clancy Pendergast take note). I even think they have installed a limited Wild-"Pack" package.
-My next wildcard team would be the Miami Dolphins. With each increasing week they continue to get more and more proficient at the Wild-"Phin." Not only that, they are now in the Chad Henne era and he has been impressive. He has a rifle for an arm and looks comfortable playing. With the proper mix of Wild-"Phin" to "normal" football the Dolphins could take the NFL by storm and make some noise, just like they did last year.
-Another wildcard team would be the Cincinnati Bengals. You never really know what you're gonna get from the Bengals but this year they appear to be for real. They have a good D, a revived Cedric Benson, and Carson Palmer can always bring it when necessary. They are a fluke play by the Broncos away from being 5-0.
-My final wild card team would be the San Francisco 49ers. EVERYONE on the Kansas City Chiefs coaching staff take notice here. I LOVE what Mike Singletary is doing. He is holding players accountable in the correct way, not the wrong way (see: Todd Haley), he is preaching fundamentals and more importantly COACHING them. If you have a fundamentally sound football team you can win 7-10 games no matter what your talent level, and the 49ers have some good talent to boot. Singletary is building something there and they will be back to prominence soon....and soon could be now.
Now, on to my first annual 5/16 Awards (since this is my first ever 5/16 awards I will give a brief explanation behind each one):
-"Most Inventive Team" Award (self-explanatory):
1st Runner Up: The Saints - I am not sure how they are doing it, but they are finding ways to chuck it all over the field and do it well. They lose the award on the basis that it is unclear if they can keep this up an entire season.
Winner: Miami Dolphins - My gushing about the Wild-"Phin" from above gave this away, the Dolphins have found a way to win and be competitive with inferior talent. Good for them.
-The "Terminator: Salvation" Award (this award is given to the most hyped up player who has turned out to be a flaming turd this season):
1st runner up: Terrell Owens (Buffalo Bills) - Owens has 12 catches for 202 yds and 1 td through 4 games. Pathetic for someone who touts himself as one of the "best receivers in the league." He was supposed to vault the Bills into the playoffs...hello 1-4. Good work Terrell, where's your Sharpie?
Winner: Albert Haynesworth (Washington Redskins) - After 5 games Haynesworth has 1 sack and 9 tackles. Not quite the impact his $100 Million contract is paying him for huh? Turns out, when somebody is only motivated by money, and you give them more than anybody else, they aren't motivated anymore. This is like Pacino after he won his Oscar. No more good acting, I am just gonna chew as much scenery as I can and see how long I can still get jobs. Fight for that inch Albert, fight for that inch...
-The "Tim Wilkenson" Award (this award goes to the most underappreciated player in the league. The guy who shows up, shuts up, does his job and nobody seems to really notice. Re-watch every movie you have ever seen with Tom Wilkenson and tell me he's not amazing. He owns every role and is a phenomenal actor but nobody really seems to take notice nearly as much as they should):
2nd Runner Up: Kyle Orton (Denver Broncos) - As much as it pains me to recognize any Bronco for doing well, Orton has always impressed me. Everyone tells him he can't do it, and he just sits there and says shuv it up yer arse." Right now he is completing passes at 63%, has 1236 yards, 7 tds, and only 1 int (which was on a Hail Mary at the end of the half). He is something like 26-12 as a starter and I would take him on my team. Everyone was saying it the Broncos got the raw end of the deal with the Cutler trade but they got Knowshon Moreno and Orton out of it, and don't look now but Orton is outperforming Cutler in nearly every category, including the all important TD/INT ratio and QB Rating.
1st Runner Up: Darren Sharper (New Orleans Saints) - Has anybody else had a quieter HOF worthy career? He has been to 4 pro bowls, 1 time all pro, he is the active interception leader with 59 on his career, he is a ball hawk in the highest sense, has performed well every stop along the way and is no doubt a leader on the Saints improved D. Everybody talks about Ed Reed, Troy Polamalu, or Bob Sanders, but Sharper has quietly put together great credentials and is having one of his best years.
Winner: Reggie Wayne (Indianapolis Colts) - I know people do give him credit but not nearly enough. I don't even know if I have ever heard him speak or even a quote from him. He is the silent assassin. Everyone talks about "best receiver in the league" and Wayne is always an afterthought, "oh yeah, and Reggie Wayne." He comes from "the U" but you wouldn't know it. He doesn't talk, he never pouted about being behind a legend in Marvin Harrison (see: Terrell Owens complaining about Jerry Rice) he just showed up and did his job. He doesn't complain about Manning spreading the ball around, he just shows up and does his job and while people recognize, they rarely ever laud him with as much praise as they should. Congrats Reggie, you have won the "Tom Wilkenson" Award for 2009.
The "Freaky Friday" Award (this award is explained above):
1st Runner Up: Buffalo Bills - It seemed good in theory. The Bills have a decent O-line, a good D-line, some good young talent on D, a good young QB, they have benefitted from playing tough competition in a tough division for years, they acquired Terrell Owens who was the "missing piece." It just didn't work. You can't make up for bad coaching and a team with no clear direction, no matter how much money you throw and how much you hope (see: Kansas City Chiefs, minus the money).
Winner: Tennessee Titans - Losing your best defender and lynchpin of your D to the almighty dollar? Check. Kerry Collins is still your QB? Check. Kept your exact same roster from last season hoping to just rollforward (that was for all my accountants out there) the magic from year? Check. I have seen this too many times. The Chiefs try this often, "we were 13-3 last year, we have a good team, let's keep EVERYONE, and sign one "big" name free agent that is our missing piece and we will win the Super Bowl." Hello 7-9, nice to meet you. How long has it been? Oh that's right, since the last time we went 13-3. This formula does not work. In the NFL if you are not getting better, you're getting worse. Do the Colts do this? No (see above). Plus, everyone knew Kerry Collins couldn't keep this up for long. He has melted down everywhere he has been and it was only a matter of time. Thankfully for him, this one didn't involve Jim Beam. At 0-5, I submit they are having a worse season than the Chiefs, at least we were expected to be here.
The "And..." Award (in every movie there is an actor who is famous, but not quite famous enough to get top billing. They can't carry the movie but they want you to know they are in it. This come from my recent viewing of Duplicity...Clive Owen, Julia Roberts, Tom Wilkenson (YES!), and...Paul Giamatti. Giamatti is a very good actor and always does well in his movies, but cannot carry one. This award goes to the player is very good, and you're glad he is on your team, but he can't carry it.)
1st Runner Up: Kyle Orton (Denver Broncos) - He has to be mentioned in this discussion. While he is under appreciated as I mentioned before, he also can't carry a team in the vein of Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Drew Brees. He needs one of the best O-lines in the league, a good D, two very good receivers, a solid tight end, and a good stable of running backs. All this, and the Broncos are still a few plays from being a mediocre 2-3.
Winner: Reggie Bush (New Orleans Saints) - He can't carry a team, and he can't be an every down back, but he has so much talent you are glad he is on your team. The defense has to account for him on every play cause he has the speed and athleticism to break a play at any point. Not to mention he is lethal as a punt returner. He may never be worthy of the #2 pick in the draft, but he is a solid, if not exciting, player (plus mad props to anyone who has tapped it with Kim Kardashian, Ray-J excluded).
The "One Man Wolfpack" Award (given to the man who helps make his team better but it is still obvious they are playing for themselves and stats. Not necessarily selfish players, but they might forgoe some of their responsibility in an attempt to get better personal stats):
1st Runner Up: Dwight Freeny (Indianapolis Colts) - Freeny is an impact player to be sure. A fearsome force on the D-line, however, he is limited in his moves, only has a speed rush, and will forgoe his run stopping responsibilities to get a sack on the QB.
Winner: Jared Allen (Minnesota Vikings) - Everyone would love to have a force like Allen on the D-line (man I wish the Chiefs had someone like that...) but Allen, like Freeny, leaves his run responsibility often in search of that elusive sack. He uses his speed more often than not, and well coached teams can exploit this with the run game, and have. Eventually this will come back to bite him and the Vikings, mark my words.
The "Nip/Tuck" Award (this is the award for something that has gone on way too long, but I still like it):
1st runner up: Detroit Lions' Losing - It is sad to have to see a city endure that much losing (especially when my city might not be far behind) but it is and will always be comforting knowing there is bad, worse, and Detroit. A poorly run organization starved for winning.
Winner: Oakland Raiders' Ineptitude - The Raiders are run by a senile old man, an abusive coach, a $60 Million dollar quarterback who complete 50% of his passes and a fan base that still thinks they are relevant. I hate the Raiders so I hope Al Davis lives forever and continues to fool himself into thinking he knows what he's doing.
The "Brett Farve Just Go Away" Award (given to the player I wish would just go away for good. It's over. Deal with it.):
1st Runner Up: Matt Hasselbeck (Seattle Seahawks) - OK, I will admit Hasselbeck was once relevant and so were the Seahawks. However, that time has passed and Seattle needs to move on. Hasselbeck has lost some of his ability and he can't stay healthy. I'm tired of people telling me he is still a top flight QB. False. Just go away Matt, just go away.
Winner: Brett Favre (Minnesota Vikings) - I hate you.-------------->
The "Man-Crush" Award for 5/16 Season MVP (self explanatory):
1st Runner Up: Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints) - Brees came out gangbusters to start the season throwing 9 tds in 2 games. He has since cooled off, but man, he is good. He is a smooth criminal, efficient, confident, good leader, the whole deal. Phillip Rivers is good, but he will never be half the leader of man Drew Brees is and the Chargers could sorely use his leadership at this point. He just may make this the year the Saints finally break through and get to the promised land.
Winner: Peyton Manning (Indianapolis Colts) - What else can I say. He is playing better than he ever has and that is flippin' scary for a 3-time league MVP. The man is running his team like a Swiss Bank. Calm, cool, collected, rarely makes a mistake, and that's where people want to put their money. Don't know what that means, but he is amazing. He is the greatest QB ever and when it's all said and done he will have every record that matters to go along with his Super Bowl (and maybe more to come), eat it Favre.
No, no Peyton...you are not #2. You are nu--there you go. You're #1.--------------> Enjoy it Peyton.
Next up would be the New York Giants. The Giants have been the scariest team in the league since they won the Super Bowl in 2007. It's as though the Super Bowl was Freaky Friday (2003 version) and the Giants and Pats switched places after the Pats undefeated season was ruined. I submit the Giants were Lindsay Lohan and the Pats were Jamie Lee-Curtis. At this time LiLo's career was just heating up and she was still a star with her ilicit drug habits still in the future. Jamie Lee-Curtis is, well..Jamie Lee-Curtis. Still relevant, but just slightly past her prime. The Giants are going strong and becoming consistently the best team in the league and the scariest one to play, while the Pats are still good, just not quite as much of a force. Lets hope the Giants handle this better than Lohan did.
Back on topic, the Giants are just a team that is extremely confident in their abilities. They come out knowing they can beat you in every phase of the game, and usually do. It is not a stretch to imagine them in the Super Bowl at this point.
That brings us to my vote for best team in the league at the 5/16 mark: the Indianapolis Colts. This team just doesn't quit. They have won ten or more games 9 out of the last 10 years and the last 7 years in a row, and this includes the 2006 Super Bowl. This is the consummate example of how to correctly run a franchise. They draft well, stock talent well, don't overpay (that's right, Peyton Manning is not overpaid) and don't hold onto players too long just cause they were good for them once. Hey Edge, you lost a step? Here's a ticket to Arizona. Yo Marvin, I know you are our all time leading receiver but you can't stay healthy and you're old and slow...peace.
Not only do they run this franchise well but Peyton Manning is just plain the best quarterback to walk this planet. I mean ever. He is a stone cold assassin. Is there anybody else you would rather have? I would take Peyton 1 vs. 11 over the entire Chiefs offense....I am serious. He is that good. He is like a coach on the field, he's like Jackie Moon done right. Is it too early to think about a Manning vs. Manning Super Bowl? I don't think it is. We will see.

-My number one wildcard team is the Green Bay Packers. If Peyton Manning is a stone cold assassin then Aaron Rodgers is stone cold assassin jr. Watching him play just gives me the chills. The dude is as cool as they come, he is accurate, he has a rocket for an arm, and he just scares me as a football player. With the exception of Peyton, I don't know who else I would rather have at QB than Rodgers. I will go on record saying the Pack made a good decision to dump Favre for this guy. Well done. I wish the Chiefs had the fortitude to draft somebody like this...oh well...Matt Cassel will do...I suppose.
The Packers not only have a good quarterback, they have a solid O-line, good running game, excellent receivers, and now a good defense to boot with one of the premiere pass rusher in the game (Aaron Kampman). They play aggressive D with two good corners who love to play press man and play it well (Clancy Pendergast take note). I even think they have installed a limited Wild-"Pack" package.
-My next wildcard team would be the Miami Dolphins. With each increasing week they continue to get more and more proficient at the Wild-"Phin." Not only that, they are now in the Chad Henne era and he has been impressive. He has a rifle for an arm and looks comfortable playing. With the proper mix of Wild-"Phin" to "normal" football the Dolphins could take the NFL by storm and make some noise, just like they did last year.
-Another wildcard team would be the Cincinnati Bengals. You never really know what you're gonna get from the Bengals but this year they appear to be for real. They have a good D, a revived Cedric Benson, and Carson Palmer can always bring it when necessary. They are a fluke play by the Broncos away from being 5-0.

Now, on to my first annual 5/16 Awards (since this is my first ever 5/16 awards I will give a brief explanation behind each one):
-"Most Inventive Team" Award (self-explanatory):
1st Runner Up: The Saints - I am not sure how they are doing it, but they are finding ways to chuck it all over the field and do it well. They lose the award on the basis that it is unclear if they can keep this up an entire season.
Winner: Miami Dolphins - My gushing about the Wild-"Phin" from above gave this away, the Dolphins have found a way to win and be competitive with inferior talent. Good for them.
-The "Terminator: Salvation" Award (this award is given to the most hyped up player who has turned out to be a flaming turd this season):
1st runner up: Terrell Owens (Buffalo Bills) - Owens has 12 catches for 202 yds and 1 td through 4 games. Pathetic for someone who touts himself as one of the "best receivers in the league." He was supposed to vault the Bills into the playoffs...hello 1-4. Good work Terrell, where's your Sharpie?
Winner: Albert Haynesworth (Washington Redskins) - After 5 games Haynesworth has 1 sack and 9 tackles. Not quite the impact his $100 Million contract is paying him for huh? Turns out, when somebody is only motivated by money, and you give them more than anybody else, they aren't motivated anymore. This is like Pacino after he won his Oscar. No more good acting, I am just gonna chew as much scenery as I can and see how long I can still get jobs. Fight for that inch Albert, fight for that inch...
-The "Tim Wilkenson" Award (this award goes to the most underappreciated player in the league. The guy who shows up, shuts up, does his job and nobody seems to really notice. Re-watch every movie you have ever seen with Tom Wilkenson and tell me he's not amazing. He owns every role and is a phenomenal actor but nobody really seems to take notice nearly as much as they should):
2nd Runner Up: Kyle Orton (Denver Broncos) - As much as it pains me to recognize any Bronco for doing well, Orton has always impressed me. Everyone tells him he can't do it, and he just sits there and says shuv it up yer arse." Right now he is completing passes at 63%, has 1236 yards, 7 tds, and only 1 int (which was on a Hail Mary at the end of the half). He is something like 26-12 as a starter and I would take him on my team. Everyone was saying it the Broncos got the raw end of the deal with the Cutler trade but they got Knowshon Moreno and Orton out of it, and don't look now but Orton is outperforming Cutler in nearly every category, including the all important TD/INT ratio and QB Rating.
1st Runner Up: Darren Sharper (New Orleans Saints) - Has anybody else had a quieter HOF worthy career? He has been to 4 pro bowls, 1 time all pro, he is the active interception leader with 59 on his career, he is a ball hawk in the highest sense, has performed well every stop along the way and is no doubt a leader on the Saints improved D. Everybody talks about Ed Reed, Troy Polamalu, or Bob Sanders, but Sharper has quietly put together great credentials and is having one of his best years.
Winner: Reggie Wayne (Indianapolis Colts) - I know people do give him credit but not nearly enough. I don't even know if I have ever heard him speak or even a quote from him. He is the silent assassin. Everyone talks about "best receiver in the league" and Wayne is always an afterthought, "oh yeah, and Reggie Wayne." He comes from "the U" but you wouldn't know it. He doesn't talk, he never pouted about being behind a legend in Marvin Harrison (see: Terrell Owens complaining about Jerry Rice) he just showed up and did his job. He doesn't complain about Manning spreading the ball around, he just shows up and does his job and while people recognize, they rarely ever laud him with as much praise as they should. Congrats Reggie, you have won the "Tom Wilkenson" Award for 2009.
The "Freaky Friday" Award (this award is explained above):
1st Runner Up: Buffalo Bills - It seemed good in theory. The Bills have a decent O-line, a good D-line, some good young talent on D, a good young QB, they have benefitted from playing tough competition in a tough division for years, they acquired Terrell Owens who was the "missing piece." It just didn't work. You can't make up for bad coaching and a team with no clear direction, no matter how much money you throw and how much you hope (see: Kansas City Chiefs, minus the money).
Winner: Tennessee Titans - Losing your best defender and lynchpin of your D to the almighty dollar? Check. Kerry Collins is still your QB? Check. Kept your exact same roster from last season hoping to just rollforward (that was for all my accountants out there) the magic from year? Check. I have seen this too many times. The Chiefs try this often, "we were 13-3 last year, we have a good team, let's keep EVERYONE, and sign one "big" name free agent that is our missing piece and we will win the Super Bowl." Hello 7-9, nice to meet you. How long has it been? Oh that's right, since the last time we went 13-3. This formula does not work. In the NFL if you are not getting better, you're getting worse. Do the Colts do this? No (see above). Plus, everyone knew Kerry Collins couldn't keep this up for long. He has melted down everywhere he has been and it was only a matter of time. Thankfully for him, this one didn't involve Jim Beam. At 0-5, I submit they are having a worse season than the Chiefs, at least we were expected to be here.
The "And..." Award (in every movie there is an actor who is famous, but not quite famous enough to get top billing. They can't carry the movie but they want you to know they are in it. This come from my recent viewing of Duplicity...Clive Owen, Julia Roberts, Tom Wilkenson (YES!), and...Paul Giamatti. Giamatti is a very good actor and always does well in his movies, but cannot carry one. This award goes to the player is very good, and you're glad he is on your team, but he can't carry it.)
1st Runner Up: Kyle Orton (Denver Broncos) - He has to be mentioned in this discussion. While he is under appreciated as I mentioned before, he also can't carry a team in the vein of Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, or Drew Brees. He needs one of the best O-lines in the league, a good D, two very good receivers, a solid tight end, and a good stable of running backs. All this, and the Broncos are still a few plays from being a mediocre 2-3.
Winner: Reggie Bush (New Orleans Saints) - He can't carry a team, and he can't be an every down back, but he has so much talent you are glad he is on your team. The defense has to account for him on every play cause he has the speed and athleticism to break a play at any point. Not to mention he is lethal as a punt returner. He may never be worthy of the #2 pick in the draft, but he is a solid, if not exciting, player (plus mad props to anyone who has tapped it with Kim Kardashian, Ray-J excluded).
The "One Man Wolfpack" Award (given to the man who helps make his team better but it is still obvious they are playing for themselves and stats. Not necessarily selfish players, but they might forgoe some of their responsibility in an attempt to get better personal stats):
1st Runner Up: Dwight Freeny (Indianapolis Colts) - Freeny is an impact player to be sure. A fearsome force on the D-line, however, he is limited in his moves, only has a speed rush, and will forgoe his run stopping responsibilities to get a sack on the QB.
Winner: Jared Allen (Minnesota Vikings) - Everyone would love to have a force like Allen on the D-line (man I wish the Chiefs had someone like that...) but Allen, like Freeny, leaves his run responsibility often in search of that elusive sack. He uses his speed more often than not, and well coached teams can exploit this with the run game, and have. Eventually this will come back to bite him and the Vikings, mark my words.
The "Nip/Tuck" Award (this is the award for something that has gone on way too long, but I still like it):
1st runner up: Detroit Lions' Losing - It is sad to have to see a city endure that much losing (especially when my city might not be far behind) but it is and will always be comforting knowing there is bad, worse, and Detroit. A poorly run organization starved for winning.
Winner: Oakland Raiders' Ineptitude - The Raiders are run by a senile old man, an abusive coach, a $60 Million dollar quarterback who complete 50% of his passes and a fan base that still thinks they are relevant. I hate the Raiders so I hope Al Davis lives forever and continues to fool himself into thinking he knows what he's doing.
The "Brett Farve Just Go Away" Award (given to the player I wish would just go away for good. It's over. Deal with it.):
1st Runner Up: Matt Hasselbeck (Seattle Seahawks) - OK, I will admit Hasselbeck was once relevant and so were the Seahawks. However, that time has passed and Seattle needs to move on. Hasselbeck has lost some of his ability and he can't stay healthy. I'm tired of people telling me he is still a top flight QB. False. Just go away Matt, just go away.
Winner: Brett Favre (Minnesota Vikings) - I hate you.-------------->
The "Man-Crush" Award for 5/16 Season MVP (self explanatory):
1st Runner Up: Drew Brees (New Orleans Saints) - Brees came out gangbusters to start the season throwing 9 tds in 2 games. He has since cooled off, but man, he is good. He is a smooth criminal, efficient, confident, good leader, the whole deal. Phillip Rivers is good, but he will never be half the leader of man Drew Brees is and the Chargers could sorely use his leadership at this point. He just may make this the year the Saints finally break through and get to the promised land.
Winner: Peyton Manning (Indianapolis Colts) - What else can I say. He is playing better than he ever has and that is flippin' scary for a 3-time league MVP. The man is running his team like a Swiss Bank. Calm, cool, collected, rarely makes a mistake, and that's where people want to put their money. Don't know what that means, but he is amazing. He is the greatest QB ever and when it's all said and done he will have every record that matters to go along with his Super Bowl (and maybe more to come), eat it Favre.

One thought here on the "wildcat". Why is that only "wild" has caught on and not "cat". I think some team would be better served using "cat". See e.g., "Giant-Cat", "Bear-Cat", "Cardinal-Cat", "Brown-Cat", 'Chief-Cat".
ReplyDeleteAlso you don't really want Jared Allen back in KC, your chances of getting hit by a drunk driver would increase geometrically.